the enthusiast

Clara Phillips Clara Phillips


In August my Wednesday contract finished after 3 years. It had never fit me properly but it was an easy set up and the people were nice. This ending sent me into something of an anxiety spin, which prompted me to look at all areas of my life and rectify a few things which needed attention...

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Clara Phillips Clara Phillips

Q1 round up

One a quarter is better than none at all right? Don’t mention that this is 3 weeks after the end of Q1.

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Clara Phillips Clara Phillips

november round up

Luna turned 10 and a few days later my Grandmother turned 100. November is birthday season. I have had two branding projects on that I have truly loved and a contract for a menstrual health supplement brand. A busy month with lots of family visits and a whole lot of cake.

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Clara Phillips Clara Phillips

october round up

I feel FINE that this is a week late because other than the fact that no one really reads it I did manage to hit all my other deadlines this week, of which there were many.

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Clara Phillips Clara Phillips

september round up

I took August off this year as I was travelling with the kids in Canada and managing work around school holidays. I say it every year but welcome to the season of books and reading 🎉🪵☔️🕯️

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Clara Phillips Clara Phillips

july round up

Hello and welcome to The Enthusiast. I glossed over the name change last time - have you done your Enneagram test? I’m number 7 - The Enthusiast.

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Clara Phillips Clara Phillips

june round up

WELL I completely missed May this year. I was actually in, of all places: Disneyland. With my small humans and my mama.

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Clara Phillips Clara Phillips

april round up

April was Cornwall and family, ceramics and dog walks. Very confusing weather and lots of reading and weights/tennis.

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Clara Phillips Clara Phillips

march round up

March, what to say about March? Chickenpox and operations? Er rain and some great work projects? None of this sounds interesting… Books? Oh yes, some great books!

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